dream coach your life
Learn to navigate your dreams and understand their messages to improve your life
A Dream Uninterpreted
Is like a Letter
left Unopened
Every night our subconscious elaborates the events and emotions of our daily life, and reassembles them in a surprising, fantastic and often bizarre way. But it is not just “mind junk”.
Our subconscious speaks in symbols: when we learn how to intepret our symbols, we crack the code of our dreams, and start to understand the profound insights they offer.
Dream numbers
2 hours
The time spent dreaming every night
The time we spend in REM phase in the womb
The number of dreams we have per night
People who dream in black and white
The amount of dreams we do not remember
There are many hypothesis, but zno scientific certainty for the purpose of dreams
decode the messages in your dreams
dream journal
A free dream journal template to annotate your dreams every morning, capture their messages and find patterns.
subscribe to
the dreamnotes
dream course
A self-paced, online course that will teach you how to understand your dreams and use them to make heartfelt decisions.
in november
dream coaching
If you are ready to work on your dreams in a personalised way, with me as your coach, I’ll help you manifest your future.
fill this form
to start
about me
3 things I like:
My name is Gioia and I am your dream coach.
As a certified life coach and also an expert in dreams, I quickly realised that .combining the two things was the right thing to do.
In coaching I help you understand what you want and how to get there.
I support you through changes and transformations. I guide you towards the solutions that work for you.
But sometimes it is difficult to tap into your intuition and select your true desires. This is when dreams become your best ally. They can help you get the answers and insights you are looking for faster. They point you in the right direction, the one that is rooted deep inside you.
I believe dreams have so much to tell us!
Your dreams cannot wait for you to listen to them.